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Andy's + DanThuy's Food Adventures

Hello! Thanks for joining us in the kitchen.


Andy and I both grew up cooking with our moms. We were their sous chefs for holidays, birthdays, and special events! Our jobs were to peel shrimp, fold empanadas, and keep stirring the pot so the bottom wouldn't burn. Food brings people together not only through eating a delicious meal until your belly is full but also through the time spent cooking with love.


The idea to start a food blog came to us when we started cooking together so much that we wanted a way to document our favorite dishes. These recipes are a collection of the dishes that we go to over and over again. They're versions of recipes we've found and adjusted to our own tastes, recipes that we've developed ourselves, recipes influenced by our families, and recipes that happened when we cleaned out the fridge. If you happen to recreate any of these tasty dishes, we hope that you'll make it your own! 

Andy + DanThuy

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